February Monthly Newsletter
Everyone knows February is all about love. Everywhere you look this time of year you see love in the air, surrounded by all of the hearts, pink candies, bears and cards everywhere! This month I'm going to tell you how to show your hair some LOVE. Also how to keep the vivacious REDS in your hair longer as well as PINK's (as seen above) (& other fashion colors) & Don't forget the holy crap moments that go on day to day in the salon that are sure to make you laugh!
So before your big date or night at home with your lover buns, why not show your hair some lovin' (Yes, I just typed that :) )With healthy hair you can enjoy your color service lasting longer, and your color remaining vivid and dimensional. No more split ends making you almost pull your hair out when you comb or brush it. Also once you get your hair to the point of being healthy, your hair will grow a lot faster. ( & everyone wants long hair)

A great home remedy (for almost anything) and MOST DEF one of my favorite things to use for hair and skin is the famous COCONUT OIL! I do not choose to use coconut oil on my hair but I do use it in a home made body scrub and also to moisturise my body. You can do anything from just melt plain coconut oil and apply to your hair. (Leave it on for about 15-30 minutes) to mixing the oil with other things. You will find some good recipes @ the bottom of this post ;)
Once you are giving your hair the necessary conditioning elements, it is very important you remember you HAVE to trim your hair! I know.. I know.. no one wants to do it, buuutttt even if you only get just a tad bit cut every 6 weeks you are doing something. Also getting a trim helps to keep your ends looking fresh, and will also help in the styling process. (A lot of my clients tell me they know they need a trim whenever their hair will not style as usual.)
If you are looking to grow your hair as quick as possible, look into a multivitamin or Biotin (a hair, skin, and nails vitamin). I normally take one of each everyday. Make sure you drink plenty of water, and maintain a healthy diet. (I know it sounds crazy, but I think it really does work)
Lastly, be careful what products you or your stylist chooses on your hair. Everyone has a different hair type, therefore each hair type will react to things differently. Be very cautious when bleaching your hair or getting highlights. (Ask your stylist opinion on if your hair and withstand the bleach, and what volume developer she is using.) && I recommend ALL of my clients get a conditioning treatment after any chemical service. (ESP bleaching) PLEASE DO NOT try to bleach your hair at home, that is just asking for a disaster for you! (Promise) Also let your stylist know of any medications you may be on,as this can lead to a difference in your color results.
MAKE SURE WHEN YOU FLAT IRON, that you have a heat protector!!! I know we all turn our flat irons up to the highest heat setting possible (even when were told not to.) All of that heat going directly on your hair can and WILL take its toll on your strands!
Because it is February and everywhere you see red.. that just reminds me of how everyone loves a red head. :) But the color red is the hardest natural (or unnatural) hair color to get to hold in the hair shaft. This is because the color molecules that make up the RED hair color are huge. Which means they do not hold well in the hair shaft.. all it means to you is .. YOUR HAIR IS FADING AGAIN! & That is extremely frustrating (I am a red head btw) From my experience, these few tips are some of the best ways I keep my REDs from fading ( & will also work for most all fashion colors)
Of course the best way to start and the most important thing in keeping color in your hair is having HEALTHY HAIR. :)
1. When you get your hair colored, be sure to ask your stylist for a cuticle sealer or a color holding treatment. (I normally do both)
(seals your cuticle down over your hair shaft and seals the color in. Ex:SSS Keratin color seal treatment)
2.Also if your stylist offers, get a clear color gloss put on top of your color.
(this is just another way to keep as much of your color sealed in your hair shaft, and also makes your hair super shinny and feeling great!)
3. Make sure you are NOT washing your hair everyday.
(Not only is this living your RED longevity, it is also giving your scalp the natural oils it needs.)
4. When you condition your hair, make sure to rinse your conditioner with a COOL temperature.
(This again seals your cuticle)
5. In between going to see your stylist for color, go see her for a red color glaze.
(This is very important with in the first year. Going to get a color glaze freshens up your color without having to get it all done all over again & paying more money than you need to. It also deposits more red into you hair shaft each time, which will make it harder for your red to fade.)
In a small town salon with 6 stylist and people from all walks of life coming in, there are bound to be things that happen on a daily bases that are too funny not to share. Each month I plan to pick out what I think takes the cake and will have you all laughing!
Meet Wendy. She is a stylist I work with daily. She is a beautiful blonde with the most bubbly and happy personality whom is AMAZING at what she does. (She can seriously color circles around me)
Not too long ago Wendy was not acting like her normal self and was actually acting a little crazy. Walking side ways, walking into walls while talking, and saying she was dizzy. This had everyone at the salon a little scared of what could possibly be wrong. We all tried to figure out things amongst ourselves about what could be wrong and decided that day she should go to the doctor. Of-course she didn't and the next day she was totally fine. A few days after this Wendy decides to tell us all she mistook a sleeping pill (she was going to take on her flight to Honduras, because she gets nervous when flying) for a fluid pill. & had taken it the morning she was running into everything.... :)
Until next time, Stay beautiful!
-Stylist Felicia Kiker
Mail me that extends chick !
ReplyDeleteCan do :) The SSS Keratin color Extend?
ReplyDeleteI need something my hair is soooo dry to.
ReplyDeleteYes the color extend, does it hydrate?
It does :) But depending on how dry your hair is I would also suggest a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. & you can use this as a deep conditioner ( once a week)