Hello gorgeous!
I hope today finds you all enjoying your day! Lately I've been reading a lot of post about what people carry in their everyday beauty bags. && I must say I have enjoyed it. It is very interesting to know what some of my favorite beauty bloggers carry on a daily biases for themselves.So I figured I would jump on the ban-wagon and see what you all think of the things I carry in my bag.
I hope you all enjoy :)
Let me start by saying this, I do not not normally carry a "little black bag." I only carry one on days that I work out before work, if have a special events to attend after work, or a night out with my girls. :) Although, some of these items I threw in my bag for you all today I DO carry with me at all times. & have to have some of them.
The have to have's:
Lets start with the
Women's one a day and Biotin 500Mg. As you all know these are both vitamins The one a day being a multi-vitamin, and the Biotin being a hair, skin and nails vitamin. I like to think I am some what healthy (even if I do live on energy drinks, and stacker 2's.) which is why I choose to take the multi-vitamin. It also kind-of guards my immune system in these cold winter months when everyone is sick.
Many people ask if I truly believe in taking the Biotin to make your hair grow faster. (The primary reason I take it.) & the answer is YES! I have been taking Biotin for years now, and I really think it works. You have to remember though, you have to take it every day to really see the effects. Of course I don't think my hair is growing fast enough (who does ??), but I can tell a huge difference in how quickly it grows, and so can people. I personally can tell the biggest difference (day to day) in my nails.
I take one each of these daily. ( & I always have a few on hand in case I forget to take them in the morning.)
Moving right down the line is the best perfume ever. Couture La La by Juicy Couture. ( the small glass roller ball to the right of the biotin.) I grabbed this roller ball on my last make up haul from Sephora with Miss.Tiffany Faith. I always always have to smell all new perfumes in a place like that. & I always catch myself smelling every single one until my nose burns. I used to wear Viva La Juicy all the time, and I love it, but once you wear something for a while it kind of gets old. So, when the sales lady told me to try this one I fell in love. (& no worries I plan on grabbing the big bottle next time I am there.) It reminds me a bit of the Viva La Juicy with a twist, its not quite as heavy or warm smelling. ( if that makes since) instead, it has a floral, fresh flirty smell. This stays in my pocketbook 24/7 & I love the roller ball part, it makes it easy to just roll on before my day and It stays a little longer.
Beside the roller ball we have the BUXOM LIP PLUMPER/GLOSS. I actually picked this up the same day as the Couture La La. I normally do not spend a ton of money on lip gloss because I typically never use it. Buuutttt since I got this gloss I can't stop using it. It's almost second nature to just reach in my purse and grab it @ any time. It is a plumper so it has a tremendous amount of tingle (which I love.) & smells delicious, oh & gives my lips a beautiful color and shine while plumping.
The next have to have is my EOS hand lotion. Because of my career (Hairstylist) I have my hands in water multiple times a day. That added to the cold, drying winter air makes for awful dry hands on Saturday afternoon (if I'm not careful) I'm talkin' sore, almost bleeding. oouuccchhhh! The Eos lotion is great for dry skin, and smells awesome. (Just like cucumber melon It almost has a body butter type of feel. It also works great on my tattoo & elbows.
Lastly but certainly not least is my HAIRSPRAY. ( RUSK W8LESS extra strong hold) I wouldn't be a dye-heart (get it.) hairstylist if I didn't have hairspray with me at all times. I like the Rush w8less because it does not have a super strong hold, which makes it perfect for touch-ups throughout the day. & the smell is wonderful. It also works great for smoothing fly aways, and keeping your hair loosely styled. ((SIDE NOTE: Did you know, hair spray can also work as a setting spray for your make up??)
Well that leaves us with the products I must have in my "little black bag" when I carry it.
PEARATIN nourishing oil treatment. (The gold bottle all the way to the right) This is a hair and body oil made by LOMA. A fellow stylist that I worked with introduced this life saver to me just about a month ago. I had gotten myself terribly burnt in the tanning bed (..I know.. in January) & I asked her what the best product over all to put moisture back in your skin. She automatically grabbed this one and told me to try it out on my tanning bed burnt face. It is made with rich vitamins, tons of fruit oils, and anti-oxidants, which makes it great for your skin and hair. I use Pearatin once daily on my face,arms and in my hair. I also love the way it smells, & it leaves my skin silky smooth and shiny. I have yet to try it, but I bet it would also work great as an additive in a deep conditioning treatment. I take this to the gym with me because I use it right before using my facial tint, which makes the tint go on smoother and give my skin a natural shine. & in case I get burnt again.
I normally don't have time to do my full make up after a morning at the gym, so I just grab my make up must haves & I'm ready to go. Here they are :)
Speaking of my facial tint, that is found in my "little black bag." I use TIGI facial tint daily (when I am home) & I take it with me to the gym for when I do my make up afterwards. A facial tint is pretty much like a liquid foundation but way way thinner. I love the tigi facial tint because although it is thinner than and average liquid foundation it gives my skin great coverage. I have been using the same facial tint for almost a year now, all throughout summer and winter months it still gives my face just the right amount of coverage.
Next up is my Mary Kay facial powder. I mix natural ivory with a light bronze to achieve my skin color and give added bronzing pigment. It also gives great coverage without looking like I caked make up on my face.
Moving on to my eyes! All I need for those is a little mascara and eyeliner. I use TIGI black eyeliner, daily. I have been using this product for almost 2 years. It is wonderful I am a huge fan of dramatic, dark, true to color eyeliner. & this one is all of those. Also I do not have trouble with it running..It last all day and stays in place.
Lastly my Urban Decay big fatty lashes mascara. I picked it up at sephora on one of my first trips there, and I have used it every day sine. I have thin, short little eye lashes & this mascara separates lengthens and add volume to my lashes. It is also a black and is true to color.
With just these few things in my little black bag, my skin, hair, and make up are perfect. Which makes for a happy me. For more information on any of these products just leave me a comment & I will send you a link with more information.
* If you are interested in any of the TIGI make- up line, I will be glad to send you information & you can also buy it from me.
Whats in your little black bag??
Stay beautiful ya'll,
Stylist Felicia Kiker