Yesterday after work, I meet up with a great friend of mine and NEW BUSINESS PARTNER! Miss.Tiffany Faith.HER BLOG IS HERE I have told you all about her before and her amazing make up abilities. Sooo about two hours into our business meeting she mentioned SEPHORIA! (of course she would) & I was all about it. I dabble in makeup a bit, and I have always done hair and make up for all of my brides. It is something I am also very passionate about. But in this upcoming year with Tiffany and I's new business FAITHFULLY BEAUTIFUL! You can get the best of both worlds at the same time! :) ( Stay tuned for more info on that)
So, While roaming around in Sephoria for about an hour, and getting the down low and education on products from Miss.Tiffany, I found a few things that I feel in love with. Lets start with the Two Faced Natural Eye palette. Two faced is one of my favorite make up lines. Not only because it will last through out the day, but it is also super shimmery and bold (of course it will be bolder with eye primer) I am a sucker for shimmer, and I always have been, from eye shadows to cheek colors and so on. This palette has 3 matte colors and the rest are SHIMMER!! I realize, most brides and bridal parties do not like too much shimmer on the wedding day. But I do love to add a little shimmer as an accent. All of the colors in this palette are true to color and make for a beautiful shimmery smokey eye. Also, with just this one palette you can have the perfect eye for a relaxing day and a night out on the town! Also, the lid (inside the packaging) has cards in the back to help achieve each look. ( But who wants to go by the rules.. right?) I have to say my favorite shade in this palette is the Nude beach, It is a beautiful pale pink/golden color with extra shimmer. I use it on myself as a high light (at the corners) and sometimes on the lid.
Moving on to another one of my favorite brands URBAN DECAY! I have to say, a few years ago, I didn't believe the difference in professional make up and just basic make up from a drug store or wal mart. Buuuttt a few years ago my boss GAVE me and URBAN DECAY NAKED PALETTE! & It changed my life! (seriously) I'm not saying you can't find good things at drug stores but I am a full believer in " you get what you pay for!" So last night I picked up the Urban decay eye shadow primer potion and Big fatty mascara.
I typically use TIGI eye shadow primer, and it works great. But I have always heard great things about the primer potion and I have actually used it in a lot of my photo-shoots. The primer comes in 4 different colors, Eden ( a nude matte finish), Greed ( a yellowish shimmer), Original ( dries invisible), and my choice the Sin ( a champagne darker shimmer). The primer goes on smooth and LAST ALL DAY! Also the shimmer tone (if that makes since) matches my skin tone to a tee. So no need for a highlight under my brow.
The BIG FATTY MASCARA does just that! It makes me look like I have a ton of lashes, when I really only have very few. I love the applicator brush, It is a rounder brush with a lot of bristles. Which means (to me) it is thinking while going on. This mascara thickens and lengthens while moisturizing the lashes. It goes on smooth. I will say I tend to swipe my lashes one too many times (sometimes) and with this mascara it causes clumping.Also it is water proof, but not too hard to get off @ night.
Last but DEF not least, and probably my FAVORITE PURCHASE. The BUXOM BIG AND HEALTHY LIP CREAM! The packaging is what drew me too it. I nor Tiffany had ever heard of BUXOM. But with a few minutes at the BUXOM counter with our hands covered in lip gloss, eye shadows and eyeliners we both feel in LOVE! I tried a lot of different colors and chose the MUDSLIDE. It is perfect for my skin tone and lip color. I also think this color will work wonderfully on my brides. ( needless to say I will be ordering more) It is a lip plumper, which means it tingles! It goes on extra smooth and it isn't too thick or sticky. I also noticed it last forever!! I have had it in my purse for a total of 2 days now and I am constantly reaching for it!
I would recommend these products to anyone looking for great new make up to try out!
(pictured but not talked about; tigi eyeliner, powder and mineral tint, VS blush)
Sorry for the goofy face! lol
--Felicia :)
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Sunday, January 27, 2013
My 2103 Trendsetting hair color choices.
Even though it is very early on in the year, these are my 2103 Trendsetter color choices! Most trends come and go with in a few months time, but for hair color, they stick around a little longer. Some of these have actually been around and are just getting big, or have been big for quite sometime in Hollywood, and now everyone wants them.
I know everyone loves the super super blonde look (bleach blonde, Marlin Monroe blonde.).. but I have to tell you, the new blonde is the natural, golden blonde! (As seen on the left.) This is done with a natural golden blonde lowlight, you can throw some bright blonde in there to give it a little dimension if you want..just don't get too crazy! If you will notice on the left you can also see a darker color at the roots, and under that is the most popular fad in hair as of late. OOOMMMMMBBBBRRRREEEEE! Because the ombre craze has become so popular, you will see people just doing a tad-bit of a darker root color with any color. Which I think not only looks amazing, it also makes your blonde appear a lot more natural! & It will also allow you to hold out a few more weeks on that root touch up! ;) The 2nd picture is a true and gorgeous ombre blonde! OMBRE IS IN! & it is mostly seen with blonde, rarely with other colors. ( no worries though, ombre with other colors is coming around!) You can be very flexible with ombre blonde . Pretty much you choose how dark and what shade of blonde or brown for the top and how light you would like the bottom to be. This one in particular is one of my favorites. I love the depth and warmth of the top, and the beautiful natural but pale blonde on the bottom. Also notice, it goes great with her skin tone. A great ombre color comes with a great color artist. Although it looks like it is just roots grown out and it shouldn't be too hard to do, Ombre hair coloring is actually pretty difficult & takes alot of color knowledge and formulating. If done the wrong way, you could look like you just got a bad dye job. :/ It is among one of my favorite things to do with color and also gives you more time in between touch ups. :) You can have alot of different looks with ombre too! For example, as summer approaches, you can bring the light pale blonde up closer to your face and even frame your face with it!!

A Lot more people are deciding to go natural these days, which naturally means... brunette! There is nothing wrong with that at all, and you never have to worry about it matching your skin tone. This year, people are going natural but spicing it up a bit! Check out the 1st picture to the right, it is a beautiful chestnut dark brown with a golden light brown highlight. The golden highlights are also pulled in more around the face to brighten her up (which is also a new fad, that I LOVE) with just a few in the back. This is also a minor affect of the ombre. Unlike ombre, you can see some slight highlights on the top. I love the contrast but also similarities in the dark and light brown, it gives enough contrast to pop but they are also within the same color family, which makes it all appear more natural.
Looking at the 2nd picture to the right you will see a light brown/ dark blonde with a super dark root area and some dark underneath. This trend you don't see as often, however, it is coming around!
Again you can see the lighter blonde more so framing the face, with the dark brown on the roots and underneath. The look of a modern day hi/low light. This look is amazing on people with a naturally warm or brown skin tone. I think you will see more of this color scheme when summer rolls around. I love the foil placement along with the color choices in this picture. You can also be very flexiable with color choices with this also, you could even go a little more drastic with your color choices because they do not have to be as close in the same color family as you would with ombre.
Lastly, the 3rd picture. Again, a warm, deep brown with the lighter highlights framing the face. Darker on the root area too. But what I love about this picture and what I think the trend here is, the copper undertones and even copper lowlghts in the bottom. A lot of times people shy away from copper, but as of late, I have had many people wanting to try it out, and mostly in brown hair. Copper is a great offset to brown, and is more fun that the typical blonde. This look will work with just about any skin tone, and because of the copper it will make blue eyes look super blue!
Lets not forget the red/browns. This trend as been around for years and years. The normal red brown, but again, notice.. the lighter brown around the face as a highlight, and now the red brown is more coppery-ish. I love copper red browns, they can do so much for the eyes and skin-tone. They also have a wide spectrum of colors from light to dark. This is also a red that will look a lot more natural when growing out and will not fade as bad as other reds. I love this color and foil placement, and how it brings out those light brown eyes in the picture.
If you are considering going red, let me warn and remind you, REDS FADE...TERRIBLY. But, if you ask me, they are worth it! :)


Looking at the 2nd picture to the right you will see a light brown/ dark blonde with a super dark root area and some dark underneath. This trend you don't see as often, however, it is coming around!

Lastly, the 3rd picture. Again, a warm, deep brown with the lighter highlights framing the face. Darker on the root area too. But what I love about this picture and what I think the trend here is, the copper undertones and even copper lowlghts in the bottom. A lot of times people shy away from copper, but as of late, I have had many people wanting to try it out, and mostly in brown hair. Copper is a great offset to brown, and is more fun that the typical blonde. This look will work with just about any skin tone, and because of the copper it will make blue eyes look super blue!
I know it seems crazy, but more and more people are wanting the DRASTIC RED! (If you all don't know, that is what color my hair is and I love love it.) The question is, of all the people who love it, how many of them will actually do it. My answer, about 45%. When most people go for the RED, they opt for low lights or red on the bottom, or in certain places. I love the picture to the right though because it is an all over BAM RED, with of course darker roots, a little darker around the face and ends. Also this year, instead of diving into the reds, people are going more with a red violet, and not just a red red. This red would look best of someone with a very pale skin tone or an olive skin tone.
This red low light in the brown would be more common for someone to ask for than the first one. It kind of has the ombre look, but not really. This is more of a brown undertone, brown root and brown all over color. With the burgundy (red/violet) acting as a highlight. What I think would be even prettier would be to have the entire top layer the dark brown and allow the red to be kind-of like a peek-a-boo underneath. Which would also be a more conservative way to put a little red in your life. Because of the darker brown and the more violet undertone in the red, I would suggest this color for people with a darker skin tone.
If you are considering going red, let me warn and remind you, REDS FADE...TERRIBLY. But, if you ask me, they are worth it! :)
Friday, January 25, 2013
Behind these shears
Hello Beautiful,
Sorry I have posted in a few days,with the first month of the new year almost gone, I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get things done. && I have been pretty busy at the salon, which I am very thankful for. Also I decided to get another gym membership.( I was a member at a local gym close by where I work, and I used to work out all the time.) So, needless to say most likely for the next 4 months I will be attending the gym regularly.. but then it will probably wear off. (lol) Lets hope not.
I've been working on some new business ventures I think everyone will love as well. I don't want to spill the beans just yet...but... I have to spill some. --
In this upcoming year I will be teaming up with a good friend of mine, Tiffany Faith. She is a local make-up artist that is AMAZING. She uses nothing but the best make-up, is very easy to get along with, and she is extremely talented! Everyone knows, I am also a make-up goo-roo and I would trust her with any of my clients. :) We will be forming our own little business, doing hair and make-up for any occasion. Bridal (of course), prom, company parties, ANY EVENT, family pictures, girls night out on the town, birthday celebrations,etc. Along with something calming and relaxing like a girls night in. How cool would it be to have a few friends over, and have a adult slumber party?? Haircuts and treatments, facials, and pampering.This would also be perfect for a teens birthday sleep over or party. And for the babies, PRINCESS PARTY'S. ( If you haven't heard of them, they are the most adorable thing for a young girl (4-6 years old) The best part is, we will come to y'all!! I can't wait to get the ball rolling and see what opportunities come our way in the future.
......Now, what if I told you I am dabbling into the wedding planning business??? For those of you who know me personally, you all know that doesn't seem too much like me,but, truth be known, I have ALWAYS wanted to try wedding planning. :X :D
On a totally different note,
I have my supply selves fully stocked with the ROCK BIG HAIR and JOICO K-PAK product lines (info in last blog) and I am still loving them. I am still not positive on the other line or two I want to sell. I'm curious as to what you all would like to see in your local salon or from me & why.
Well, January is pretty much gone and February is about to be here, so y'all get ready for LOVE YOUR HAIR month with yours truly !!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
As you can all see I haven't stuck to my new years resolution very well, but I can keep trying, right? This year I have decided to only carry a few choice product lines in the salon. Reason being, I am not a huge sales person, and I can only sale something I 100% believe in. This past year I had products sitting on my shelves at all times, and I hated it. Don't get me wrong, all professional products are great. But some are alot better than others. So with that being said, let me introduce you all to 2 out of 4 of my new product lines I will be selling this year.Say hello to MR.MICHAEL O' ROURKE!
AKA a life saver for most of my clients with thin hair. I purchased a start up Rock your Hair, Rock BIG hair line back in December. I automatically fell in love. (which takes a lot for a stylist.) Not only is the smell wonderful, it reminds me of a very light smelling perfume. The packaging is to die for ( hot pink with diamonds) &&& the result are AMAZING! I have shampooed and conditioned some of my clients with the thinnest hair using this, used no other products and blew it dry with NO round brush, and still got amazing volume!! The root lifter is also great, most root lifters leave are very thick and can be highly difficult to round brush through. This one is not, and gives you the extra ummph you need. I suggest spraying it in the palm of your hand and running it through all of your hair. The Root powder is also great for a little lift after you finish blow drying. Also you can use it like a dry shampoo. Just keep it in your purse, and when you feel like your hair is getting a little limp, just sprinkle a little bit on the scalp and spruce it up again. I also like to use the root powder like a paste, to give you lift and a subtle piece look with out the wet look from the paste.
Lets talk about Mr. O'Rourke himself. From what my product Representative has told me, Mr. O'Rourke was one of the people who made and produced the line BIG SEXY HAIR. Unfortunately, when BIG SEXY HAIR became diverted -> ( popping up in wal marts, drug stores etc.) he decided to go out on his own and start a new line.
This line not only gives great volume, but is also color safe! Most volume products pop your hair cuticle open ( which is where the color is held) to give you the volume you need.. which, in turn, makes your color fade. This shampoo and conditioner is sulfate free, so none of that happens and you still get great volume. I would suggest to all people with thin or thinning hair to give ROCK BIG HAIR a try.
Now lets start with JOICO! I have been dabbling in the JOICO line for years. As most of you all know I am a die- heart GOLDWELL stylist ONLY... but... with the changes in some of their products and some more usage of other lines I am becoming a little more diverted myself.
This past year I have tried most of the JOICO color line. And let me just say it is none less than AMAZING. I am in love with the gray coverage it gives me and the limitless color choice on gray coverage it gives. I am not 100% if I will be using nothing but the JOICO color line this year, or still trying others out.
NONE THE LESS, I WILL BE SELLING AND USING THE JOICO K-PAK PRODUCT LINE. This line is the best thing I have found for dry, damaged hair. The full line uses Bio-Advanced peptide TM and Quardramine to repair and restructure dry damaged hair, which are the two best re-constructors in the business. The shampoo and conditioners fill in the damaged (holes) in your hair shaft leaving them stronger than before. Which will give your hair ultimate shine and longevity. The full line also does this, with each of its own added pluses too, such as, the heat protectant, the split end minder and the intense hydrator.
I have not decided yet if I will carry the full Joico line. But for now these two lines( joico K-PAK & ROCK BIG HAIR) are set in stone. I LOVE THEM, AND I'M SURE YOU WILL TOO! :)
Stay beautiful
Thursday, January 3, 2013
A snap shot of 2012
Hello gorgeous!
I'm Felicia Kiker. I am passionate stylist living and working in a small town. I love every aspect of my job from the everyday color and cut to the connections I have made and hope to continue to make daily.
So, with that said, one of my resolutions was to make a blog. A blog that will give clients an insight on the things I love the most. Hair, products,make-up,fashion,and random tid bits here and there, a few laughs from a days work.. etc.. My goal is to post at least 3 times weekly. :)
This is all new to me, so bare with me, and any other bloggers have any advice comment. I hope you all enjoy it!!

With 2013 already here, I guess I better start on it too. I can't wait to see what this year holds for me. && I can't wait to share all kinds of stuff with you all. :)
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